Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Eve meets Adam

I am still speaking on the same book , named "The Garden" which is about the life of the first lady Eve. I am speaking from the sixth chapter and the story is really developing itself. As Eve embarked on many new and exciting adventures with the seprent, she started to wonder who God really was. She has heard many stories about God but she can not fully grasp the idea of one man controlling everything. When Eve finally does meet God he is not the man that she was hoping for. Of course he was beautiful and the only creature that she has ever seen wearing clothes but he is not as open to her as the serpent is. She has many questions about the world but God wants her to only listen and obey. After a couple of weeks of listening to stories from God, she finally gets a chance to meet Adam. Eve was overjoyed to meet someone like her but it turned out that they were complete opposites. The author used a lot of compare and contrast to describe Adam and Eve. While Eve was eager to learn about the world, Adam was playful and most of the time got yelled at by God. Adam was an inventor just like Eve but used his skills to make play things like a ball to hold his attention. While reading this session in the book I was a little shocked that Adam and Eve weren't drawn to each other instantly. Adam was a little shy but Eve was just completely fascinated by him.  As I read on I saw that they began to bond and interact with each other as the days went on. I think that the author wanted the reader to acknowledge that even though they may seem different they hold some of the same feelings and values about the world.


  1. This writer has quite the imagination! Don't you think? Where do you think the writer finds ideas?

  2. I also would like to know the answer to the question Ms. R ask. I think that This part of the story represent the different feeling that one feels when meeting someone new. I am also surprise that they were not drawn to each other.
