Monday, August 16, 2010

Eve and the Serpent

Eve has just awaken to find herself in a field of grass. As she explores her body she notices a very large and colorful snake in front of her. The snake is kind and tells her many stories about the world and the name of the different animals. The serpent was sent to be Eve's teacher of the world and Eve takes the knowledge that he gives her and learns to invent. She uses her mind to make things that she needs like a bowl, shelter and things to hold up her hair. The serpent also teaches her how to find food and prepare it. I felt that this was a real good insight on why Eve may have trusted the serpent in the end. From Eve's prospective the serpent isn't bad in her eyes and is seen mre like a father figure. While i was reading i saw him as a caring father over his new born baby. If i were to take notes on what i read i would use though bubbles to organize my thoughts. This way is very easy to organize and i can successfully connect the characters to with things that they do and different events.


  1. I have not heard about this book. Did someone recommend it to you, or did you discover it on your own?

  2. It is funny how you can relate the things you have said to real life. Sometimes the person you trust is not always the most trustful, they may be the one to lead you to your downfall. Saquoia you said that you think the serpent represent the father figure, Do you think the serpent would undo everything if it knew his fate?
